小学英语人教(13版三起点)六年级下册Recycle Mike

2015-09-17 15:13:00


[00:01.00]Recycle Mike's happy days复习单元 迈克的快乐时光
[00:05.97]Day 4 Mike's day on the farm第四天 迈克在农场的一天
[00:11.51]Now read about Mike and Bill's game.现在朗读迈克和比尔的游戏。
[00:16.95]There are three pictures.有三张图片。
[00:20.57]1. Show one picture.1.展示一张图片。
[00:24.88]It's an elephant. It's big.是一头大象。它很高大。
[00:28.79]2. Get another picture, 再拿出一张图片,
[00:31.64]but don't turn it over.2.但是不要把它翻过来。
[00:35.22]Guess! Is this bigger or smaller than the elephant?猜一猜!这个比大象大还是小?
[00:40.67]I think it's bigger than the elephant.我想它比大象大。
[00:44.47]No, it isn't. It's smaller. 
[00:47.29]Look. It's a tiger.不是,它更小。看,是老虎。
[00:50.38]3. Show the last picture.3.展示最后一张图片。
[00:54.83]Look. The other card is a whale.看,另一张卡片是鲸鱼。
[00:59.13]So the whale is the biggest, 那么鲸鱼是最大的,
[01:01.15]and the tiger is the smallest.老虎是最小的。
[01:04.35]Day 5 Mike and his new friends: Part 1第五天 迈克和他的新朋友:第一部分
[01:10.62]Mike's PPT about his school life.迈克制作的有关他学校生活的演示文档。
[01:15.64]I go to school from Monday to Friday.我星期一到星期五去上学。
[01:20.02]My favourite day is Monday.我最喜欢的一天是星期一。
[01:22.97]On Monday I have maths, English, music and PE.星期一,我有数学课,英语课,音乐课和体育课。
[01:29.59]I like PE best.我最喜欢体育课。
[01:32.27]Maths is my first class.数学是我的第一门课。
[01:35.46]I often answer maths questions. 我经常回答数学问题。
[01:38.71]Sometimes they're difficult.它们有时候很难。
[01:41.69]In English class, 在英语课上
[01:43.26]I read many English stories,,我读很多英语故事,
[01:46.60]and I like to speak English with my friends.并且我喜欢跟我的朋友说英语。
[01:50.55]I play the piano or sing songs in music class. 我在音乐课上弹钢琴或者唱歌。
[01:54.56]This is very noisy and often great fun.这里闹哄哄的,经常充满乐趣。
[01:58.68]In the afternoon I have PE class. 下午,我上体育课。
[02:02.70]I sometimes play football or exercise in the gym. 我有时候踢足球,或者在体育馆里做运动。
[02:07.53]I'm not good at running, 我不擅长跑步,
[02:09.54]but I like football best!但是我最喜欢足球!
[02:12.50]Day 7 Mike's surprise第七天 迈克的惊喜
[02:17.01]Mike's school sent him an invitation.迈克的学校寄给他一张邀请函。
[02:21.66]Dear Friends,亲爱的朋友:
[02:24.13]It is time to leave our school.离开我们学校的日子就要到了。
[02:27.03]We are all going to middle school soon, 我们很快都要上中学了,
[02:30.49]so we will say goodbye to each other. 因此我们将跟彼此告别。
[02:33.84]We are going to have a farewell party. 我们打算举办一场告别会。
[02:37.13]You can bring your friends.你可以携带朋友前来。
[02:40.34]Place: Our music room地点:我们的音乐教室
[02:44.18]Time: Friday 3 p.m.时间:星期五下午三点
[02:51.81]We will draw pictures and sing songs. 我们将画画和唱歌。
[02:55.30]We are going to give prizes for the best pictures.我们将为最好的画颁发奖品。
[02:59.67]We are going to have cake, 我们还将吃蛋糕、
[03:02.49]candy and juice, too.糖果,喝果汁。
[03:08.37]We will also give prizes to our good students. 我们还将给我们品学兼优的学生颁发奖品。
[03:12.74]Who studied hard? 谁学习努力?
[03:14.58]Who wrote the best story?谁写得故事最好?
[03:17.15]Who did the best homework?谁做作业做得最好?
[03:20.55]We will listen to music, 我们将听音乐,
[03:22.86]play games and dance. 玩游戏和跳舞。
[03:25.53]It will be great fun.告别会将很好玩。
[03:28.89]See you at the party!不见不散哦!
[03:32.10]What are they going to do at the party?他们将在聚会上干什么?
[03:36.40]Who is going to the party? 谁将去参加聚会?
[03:39.39]Listen and tick.听录音,打对勾选出来。
[04:26.81]Day 8 A farewell party第八天 告别会
[04:31.30]Read the chant.朗读歌谣,并唱一唱。
[04:34.24]The party is on Friday. 聚会在本周五。
[04:36.62]It's time to say goodbye. 是时候说再见了。
[04:39.25]We won't sing any sad songs, 我们不唱任何伤感的歌曲,
[04:41.78]And we'll have lots of fun.我们要玩得开心。
[04:45.42]The party is on Friday. 聚会在本周五。
[04:47.95]We'll dance and sing and play.我们要唱歌,跳舞,欢快地玩。
[04:50.85]Don't be late for the party. 聚会不要迟到哦。
[04:53.23]We'll have a happy, happy day.我们将度过开心的一天。
[05:39.00]Story time故事时间
[05:41.35]I have some good news and some bed news.我有一些好消息和一些坏消息。
[05:46.39]What is it?是什么?
[05:48.68]I'm going away for a long time.我要离开很长一段时间。
[05:52.48]I'm sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我很难过。
[05:55.72]Where are you going?你要去哪儿?
[05:58.22]America. My father has a new job there.美国。我爸爸在那儿找到一份新工作。
[06:03.40]That is good news for your father. 对你爸爸来说是好消息,
[06:06.06]It's sad news for me.对我来说是令人伤心的消息。
[06:09.32]Me too.我也是。
[06:11.99]Are you going to a new school?你将去一个新学校吗?
[06:15.37]I'm going to a new middle school. 我将去一个新中学。
[06:18.14]I'll be in Grade 7.我该上7年级了。
[06:21.04]Will you promise to write to me?你会答应写信给我吗?
[06:24.99]Of course.当然了。
[06:27.51]Take care.保重。
[06:29.88]Take care.保重。



