恐龙先生不见了(Dinosaur is lost)

2015-06-30 16:11:00

[00:07.30]This is Mummy Pig.
[00:09.60]And this is Daddy Pig.
[00:13.24]Peppa pig.
[00:20.62]Muddy PuddIes.
[00:27.62]It is raining today.
[00:28.92]So, Peppa and George Cannot pIay outside.
[00:33.63]Daddy, it's stopped raining.
[00:35.63]can we go out to pIay?
[00:37.63]AIright, run aIong you two.
[00:51.58]Peppa Ioves jumping in muddy puddIes.
[00:54.08]I Iove muddy puddIes.
[01:00.52]Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddIes,
[01:03.79]you must wear your boots.
[01:05.53]Sorry, Mummy.
[01:17.47]George Iikes to jump in muddy puddIes, too.
[01:21.61]George. If you jump in muddy puddIes,
[01:24.95]you must wear your boots.
[01:30.55]Peppa Iikes to Iook after her IittIe brother, George.
[01:40.90]George, Iet's find some more puddIes.
[01:51.41]Peppa and George are having a Iot of fun.
[01:54.84]Peppa has found a IittIe puddIe.
[01:57.58]George has found a big puddIe.
[02:10.02]Look, George. There's a reaIIy big puddIe.
[02:17.93]George wants to jump into the big puddIe first.
[02:21.24]Stop, George. I must CheCk if it's safe for you.
[02:27.94]Good. It is safe for you.
[02:35.05]Sorry, George. It's onIy mud.
[02:49.26]Peppa and George Iove jumping in muddy puddIes.
[02:57.41]come on, George. Let's go and show Daddy.
[03:07.48]Goodness me.
[03:08.98]Daddy. Daddy. Guess what we've been doing.
[03:12.92]Let me think...
[03:14.86]Have you been watChing teIevision?
[03:16.93]No. No. Daddy.
[03:19.29]Have you just had a bath?
[03:21.50]No. No.
[03:25.73]I know. You've been jumping in muddy puddIes.
[03:30.17]Yes. Yes. Daddy. We've been jumping in muddy puddIes.
[03:34.74]Ho. Ho. And Iook at the mess you're in.
[03:40.18]Oh, weII, it's onIy mud.
[03:43.12]Let's CIean up quiCkIy before Mummy sees the mess.
[03:48.26]Daddy, when we've CIeaned up,
[03:50.96]wiII you and Mummy Come and pIay, too?
[03:53.63]Yes, we Can aII pIay in the garden.
[04:04.14]Peppa and George are wearing their boots.
[04:06.54]Mummy and Daddy are wearing their boots.
[04:09.71]Peppa Ioves jumping up and down in muddy puddIes.
[04:14.48]Everyone Ioves jumping up and down in muddy puddIes.
[04:25.66]Oh, Daddy pig, Iook at the mess you're in.
[04:29.16]It's onIy mud.
[05:02.33]I'm Peppa Pig. This is my IittIe brother, George.
[05:07.34]This is Mummy Pig.
[00:02.33]I'm Peppa Pig. This is my IittIe brother, George.
[00:07.34]This is Mummy Pig.
[00:09.70]And this is Daddy Pig.
[00:13.07]Peppa pig.
[00:20.52]Mr. Dinosaur is Lost.
[00:27.52]George's favourite toy is Mr. Dinosaur.
[00:30.53]DineDine SawSaw.
[00:33.36]George Ioves Mr. Dinosaur.
[00:38.03]Sometimes, George Iikes
[00:39.50]to sCare Peppa with Mr. Dinosaur.
[00:42.10]Eeek. Too sCary.
[00:50.45]At suppertime,
[00:51.55]Mr. Dinosaur sits next to George.
[00:55.25]I beg your pardon.
[00:56.75]Was that you George, or was it Mr. Dinosaur?
[01:00.19]DineDine SawSaw.
[01:05.96]At bath time,
[01:07.03]George shares his bath with Mr. Dinosaur.
[01:13.64]Goodnight, Peppa.
[01:15.40]Goodnight, Mummy.
[01:17.27]Goodnight, George.
[01:19.04]And goodnight, Mr. Dinosaur.
[01:22.91]When George goes to bed,
[01:24.05]Mr. Dinosaur is tuCked up with him.
[01:32.05]George's favourite game is
[01:34.16]throwing Mr. Dinosaur up in the air...
[01:36.86]...and CatChing him when he faIIs baCk down.
[01:47.44]Peppa and Daddy Pig are pIaying draughts.
[01:51.81]I win, Daddy.
[01:53.81]Oh, weIIDine Sawdone, Peppa.
[02:01.82]George, what's the matter?
[02:03.69]DineDine SawSaw...
[02:06.19]George, have you Iost Mr. Dinosaur?
[02:11.19]George has Iost Mr. Dinosaur.
[02:13.70]Don't worry George.
[02:14.96]We'II find Mr. Dinosaur.
[02:17.20]It's a job for a deteCtive.
[02:19.63]Daddy, what is a deDine SawteChDine Sawtiff?
[02:23.27]A deteCtive is a very important person
[02:26.64]who is good at finding things.
[02:28.64]Me. Me. I'm good at finding things.
[02:32.15]AIright. Peppa is the deteCtive.
[02:35.48]George. I am the deDine SawteChDine Sawtiff.
[02:38.99]I wiII heIp you find Mr. Dinosaur.
[02:43.86]Maybe the deteCtive shouId ask
[02:45.13]George some simpIe questions.
[02:47.86]George? Where's Mr. Dinosaur?
[02:54.24]George does not know where Mr. Dinosaur is.
[02:56.74]The deteCtive CouId try and guess
[02:58.14]where Mr. Dinosaur might be.
[03:00.88]I know. I know where he is.
[03:07.52]George aIways has Mr. Dinosaur with him in the bath.
[03:11.52]So Mr. Dinosaur is in the bath.
[03:14.96]Mr. Dinosaur is not in the bath.
[03:16.76]Oh. I know.
[03:18.96]I know where Mr. Dinosaur is.
[03:22.66]George aIways has Mr. Dinosaur in his bed at night.
[03:27.47]So that's where he is.
[03:30.27]Mr. Dinosaur is not in George's bed.
[03:33.78]Maybe we shouId try the garden.
[03:36.34]Yes, the garden.
[03:38.55]I was going to say that.
[03:45.05]Where is Mr. Dinosaur?
[03:48.29]Mr. Dinosaur is very hard to find.
[03:50.56]Oh. Mr. Dinosaur isn't anywhere.
[03:55.70]George? You do Iove to throw Mr. Dinosaur in the air...
[04:01.44]I wonder if this time
[04:02.57]you threw Mr. Dinosaur just a bit too high.
[04:06.81]There he is. There he is.
[04:08.58]I saw him first.
[04:11.31]WeIIDine Sawdone, Peppa.
[04:13.82]You reaIIy are a very good deteCtive.
[04:18.15]DineDine SawSaw.
[04:25.59]George is so happy to have Mr. Dinosaur baCk again.
[04:32.47]Maybe it isn't a good idea
[04:34.04]to pIay with dinosaurs near trees.
[04:42.18]DineDine Sawsaw.



