
2015-07-17 11:19:00
[00:20.80]Mr. Zebra, the postman  is delivering a letter to Peppa's house.
[00:26.00]Oh look, someone's got a party invitation!
[00:29.30]It must be for me!
[00:31.00]It says,
[00:31.90]To George Pig, from Edmond Elephant
[00:35.20]Please come to my party!
[00:36.90]Doesn't it say George and Peppa?
[00:40.00]No. Just George.
[00:41.50]HM... I didn't want to go  to a silly baby party anyway!
[00:48.90]Hello. Oh, it's for  you Peppa. It's Emily Elephant.
[00:54.80]Hello Peppa.
[00:55.90]Do you want to come  to Edmond's party as my friend?
[00:59.50]Oh yes please!
[01:01.20]My mummy wants  us to help with the little ones.
[01:04.70]Help? Yes! I can help!
[01:07.50]Danny and Suzy are helpers too.
[01:10.20]Oh, goodies!
[01:13.80]Everyone is here  for Edmond Elephant's party.
[01:18.20]Oh the helpers are here.
[01:20.00]Hello Mrs. Elephant!
[01:21.70]Let's get this party started!
[01:24.50]Who wants to play "Musical statues"?
[01:28.40]This is what you do.
[01:30.50]Dance when the music is playing.
[01:33.20]And when it stops, freeze like a statue.
[01:38.30]Ready. Steady. Go!
[01:42.80]Just dance already!
[01:47.20]This one is still blinking. You are out!
[01:57.20]You're moving George. You are out.
[02:02.30]Richard and Edmond are out.
[02:05.90]So Zaza is the winner.
[02:09.20]You've got a medal.
[02:10.40]It's made of real plastic gold.
[02:16.60]Mummy, "Musical Statues" is over.
[02:20.10]Lovely!  Now it's time for "Pass the Parcel".
[02:25.80]When the  music plays, pass the parcel round.
[02:30.40]When the  music stops, take some paper off.
[02:35.00]Ready. Steady. Go!
[02:40.30]George! Pass the parcel!
[02:46.90]Edmond has got a medal.
[02:53.20]Hurry up, Richard!
[02:55.00]Just take the paper off.
[02:59.20]Richard has got a medal.
[03:04.60]George has got a medal.
[03:12.20]Pass the parcel!
[03:15.30]Oh dear, George isn't passing the parcel.
[03:23.50]No, George. That's Zaza's medal!
[03:36.90]It's a giant teddy!
[03:39.20]Edmond has won!
[03:44.30]Mummy, "Pass the Parcel" is finished.
[03:47.20]Hm…lovely! Now it's time for food.
[03:52.30]Oh…The helpers have taken all the seats.
[03:56.20]This is Edmond's party, remember?
[03:58.70]The helpers can eat after the little ones.
[04:02.00]Oh yes. We're the helpers.
[04:06.70]Juice please!
[04:11.40]Jelly please
[04:13.50]Jelly. Jelly!
[04:13.90]More please!
[04:16.50]Happy birthday, Edmond!
[04:24.80]It is the end of the party.
[04:26.70]Thank you, to the helpers.
[04:28.40]You've all worked really hard!
[04:31.20]Yes…It's not easy  looking after little children.
[04:35.40]Hm… I need to lie down…
[04:38.60]I need a holiday…



